Friday, August 3, 2012

Sports-Themed Super Improver Wall

I am so thankful to Stephanie at 3rdGradeThoughts for introducing me to Whole Brain Teaching.  I was very intrigued by the Super Improver Wall idea because I do not think it is fair to only acknowledge students who earn As.  After watching Chris Biffles video about it, I decided to make one for my classroom.  I used the sports-themed levels shown in the video, but I added a couple of my own to give a total of 12 levels for the students to move up throughout the year.  The levels that I used are rookie, phenom, starter, leader, star, MVP, captain, super star, Olympian, record breaker, hall of fame, and living legend. 

Each student will start with a white name tag on the wall, and earn stars for personal improvement in academic or study skills areas.  Once a student earns 10 stars, he or she will earn the next color name tag.  This continues until the student earns a golden name tag and reaches the “living legend” level.
I will use a similar procedure for behavior with my clip chart.  Each time a student ends the day at the top of the clip chart, he or she will earn on star on his or her clip.  After earning 5 stars, students will earn a new color clip.  This is not a new idea, but I love rewarding students for going above and beyond in regards to classroom behavior.


  1. Love the sports themed super improver wall! New follower here and would love for you to stop by my blog sometime!

    Success in Second Grade
    Don’t forget to check out My Summer in Pictures Linky Party

    1. Thanks Brandi! I'm glad to see another teacher likes the sports theme still. I feel like everyone is doing owls this year. Thanks for following me....I'm your newest follower too.

  2. I love this!!! I enjoy the sports theme just because it gives a little something for the boys. I'm definitely going to use your behavior idea:) How/Where do you keep track of their improver stars?

    1. Thank you! Once I receive my class list, I will write one name on each of the rectangles of white paper. This is where I will record their stars (either hand drawn or a star sticker). Once a student receives ten stars, I will cover his/her white rectangle with a yellow one. This will continue until he/she reaches a glittery gold rectangle.

  3. I love the sports theme Super Improvers Wall!! I am using the super improvers concept for the first time this year. I've been trying to think of what to name each level and I may use this.

    I enjoy your blog and I'm a new follower.


    1. Thanks for following me Katrina! I love the sports terms because the kids can really relate to them. Plus it goes with the other sports-themed items in my classroom. Let me know if you need me to email you the file with the names.

  4. I am so glad I found your blog! My school uses the clip chart system as well and I did not know how to use this along with the Super Improver Wall. My classroom is ladybug themed and I am having the hardest time coming up with names for the levels. Can you think of anything? I am going to add your photo to my post about SIW and will send your link below :0)

    I am your newest follower too! Can't wait to read all your posts!

    Please follow my blog:

    Thanks! Laken




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