Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Goals and Resolutions for 2015

 I am linking up with Jessica from Second Grade Nest to share my resolutions for 2015….it’s going to take me awhile to get used to writing the new year.  I love the fresh start each new year gives us.  I hope to make 2015 my best year yet.

Become a math or literacy coach.....As much as I love being in the classroom, I want to apply for openings as a math or literacy coach.  After being in the classroom for ten years, I would love to challenge myself in a new position and be able to help other teachers at the same time.

Blog more often....I was much better about blogging this past summer.  I need to get into a routine of blogging at least 2 days a week during the school year. 

Going to the gym 4-5 days a week…..For the first 3 months of school, I had a consistent routine of going to the gym before school.  Since Thanksgiving break I’ve been lazy, so I need to get back into that routine in January. 

Meal plan….My husband and I eat so much healthier and save a ton of money when I plan our meals for the week.  I need to get back in the routine of planning and prepping meals on the weekend for the following week. 

Germany…..My husband’s friends are moving to Germany this year and we hope to visit them this summer.  I haven’t been to Europe in ten years and have never been to Germany.  I can’t wait to go exploring new places. 

Cauliflower dishes…..I eat most types of food (unless they have red meat or gluten in them).  I’m not a fan of cauliflower though.  I have seen tons of low-carb recipes on Pinterest that use cauliflower.  Maybe one of those dishes can win me over. 

Spanish….I took Spanish in high school, but never kept up with it.  I teach in a school where a majority of the parents only speak Spanish.  I hate to always have to use a translator when communicating with them about their kids.  I need to enroll in a class or use Rosetta Stone. 

Procrastinating….I love to do long-term planning, but sometimes I struggle in completing the little steps.  I need to get better about getting things done right away.  When school starts back in January, I will make a schedule for home and school things that need completing.  I really want to keep the laundry and grading from piling up.

Explore our city…..My husband and I have been living in our house for a year and a half, but we still feel new to the city.  I would love to explore one new thing or place in our city each week.  There is so much to do, and I know we have only seen a small fraction of our city. 

Create more TpT products….I haven’t been creating new products to put on TpT because I have been creating products and resources for my grade level team.  Our district didn’t adopt a new curriculum, but wanted us to completely revamp our math, reading, writing, and phonics lessons to fit with Common Core and to be integrated with science, social studies, and the arts.  I need to look through what I’ve created and adapt them to be useful for other teachers.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Currently: December

I can’t believe it is already December! I am linking up with Farley's Currently.  

I thoroughly enjoyed my week off for Thanksgiving break, but it is back to the grind today.  To make my morning better, I am listening to a little Christmas music before I leave for school.  I am in love with the Pentatonix’s Christmas album.  I am always amazed by acapella groups.  I am loving that my husband and I put up our tree yesterday.  I love coming down the stairs to the twinkling lights. It’s our first Christmas together as husband and wife, so it’s a little more special than usual.  I keep thinking about all of the activities I need and want to cram into the next 15 school days.  We will be doing Holidays Around the World and preparing for our winter performance, along with teaching all the regular stuff. Even though we just had a week off for Thanksgiving, I am already looking forward to Winter Break.  I am wanting to plan a little getaway for my husband and I during that time.  Next week we have Parent-Teacher conferences, so I am needing to get prepared for those.  This month, I will be encouraging my students to show kindness to each other, at home, and around school.  A kindness elf will be arriving in our classroom today.  Each day he will bring a mission of kindness for my kids to complete.  I am really looking forward to these activities.

I hope everyone has an awesome week back.  Don’t forget to hit up the Cyber Monday (and Tuesday) Sale on Teachers Pay Teachers.  You can save 28% at most stores (including mine) by entering the code: TPTCyber.  I plan to stock up for upcoming units.



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